Unofficial results have Mayor Valerie Keehn beating challenger Gordon Boyd in the Saratoga Springs Democratic primary by a tally of 1170 votes for Keehn and 637 for Boyd.
Keehn won handily in every voting district except for the Skidmore and City Center polling places, where unofficial numbers have the candidates tied.
Assembled with her supporters at the Circus CafE on Broadway, Keehn looked over a large tally-sheet taped to the wall. I didn’t think the margin would be this big, she said.
Keehn thanked her many supporters, and said the primary campaign has been a tough one`taking its toll on her and her family. During her victory speech, she recounted talking about the primary to her two teenage sons a couple of nights before.
`I said to my kids, ‘The good news is that I think I’m ahead. The bad news is, I think I’m going to win.’`
Boyd said he didn’t know what would be next for his campaign.
`I’m by no means throwing in the towel, but I’ve got to think about what’s right for the members of the Democratic Committee,` he said. `I’m going to have to take a few days and see where I go from here.`
See the Sept. 20 print version of the Saratoga Spotlight for more on this story.