Motorists traveling to and from Bethlehem have their hands full driving around a maze of county and state road projects slowing down major thoroughfares. Add to that the latest news that a four-mile stretch of Blessing Road will be closed for eight weeks due to construction of a roundabout.
The most visible road work is the Route 85 Slingerlands Bypass project, where three roundabouts are under construction by the state Department of Transportation with a fourth roundabout being built at the entrance of the new Vista Technology Park.
Roundabout construction is under way at the intersections of routes 85 and 140, Route 85 and Maher Road and Route 85 and Blessing Road.
Blessing Road is closing for two reasons, according to Peter Van Keuren, DOT spokesman.
It is both the start of the roundabout work on Blessing Road and work on the bridge adjacent to Blessing Road, where the bridge will go to four lanes, said Van Keuren.
A signed detour route is now in place to help motorists follow Krumkill Road to access Route 85.
`We are trying to improve traffic flow and to make it safer for travelers now waiting 35 to 40 seconds for the traffic light,` said Van Keuren.
Once the Blessing Road roundabout is complete, the traffic light will be taken away. The only Route 85 traffic light that will exist when all roundabout projects are complete in Bethlehem will be the light at the T-intersection of Route 85 and New Scotland Road in Slingerlands just before the Slingerlands Price Chopper.
The town of Bethlehem, DOT and Albany County are coordinating their summer and fall roadwork projects to make driving easier for motorists. The total cost of the Slingerlands Bypass project, including reconstruction of 1.5 miles of 85 between Cherry Avenue extension and Blessing Road, is $15.2 million.
The Albany County Department of Public Works has two major road projects of their own in Bethlehem this summer, including the $5.7 million County Route 204 project, which will affect motorists traveling along Schoolhouse, Krumkill and Russell roads in the towns of Guilderland and Bethlehem from the state Thruway to the Albany city line.
`The project includes full-depth reconstruction on most of Schoolhouse Road and a roundabout at the intersection of Schoolhouse and Krumkill Roads,` said Michael Franchini, Albany County Department of Public Works commissioner.
Sidewalks will also be installed along one side of the 2.2-mile stretch of road. The now 10-week old project will be complete in November allowing time for the state DOT to continue their Route 85 Slingerlands Bypass work next year.
`Our goal is to get our section done and be out of their way when the state works on their realignment next year,` said Franchini.
A second county project affecting Bethlehem motorists this summer will be the County Route 102 project along Old Quarry Road and Star Road in the towns of Bethlehem and Coeymans.
`It’s a very long road that runs along state Route 32 all the way to state Route 143,` said Franchini.
Residents of Bethlehem and surrounding communities are welcome to attend a public meeting Thursday, August 2 at 7 p.m. in Town Hall regarding the Route 85 Slingerlands Bypass construction project. NYSDOT staff will be available to provide the community an opportunity to hear about what is to be constructed and what changes will affect travel patterns during the balance of the construction period.“