Albany County has contracted a Delmar research firm to record the work of senior resource caseworkers who assist area seniors in enrolling in federal medical plans.
Golden Lane Associates in turn has made available $1,250 to senior resources departments in Colonie and Bethlehem to assure the records of seniors seeking help are made available.
Colonie and Bethlehem have both extended the free counseling to seniors in their towns for years. By keeping records of the work, Golden Lane and the county Department for the Aging are hoping the records can be used to secure future state and federal funding.
By funding municipal counseling services, like those provided by Colonie’s Senior Resource Department, the county and state can better grasp what is going on with its senior population, said Christine Cary, department case worker.
In order to get the picture of what’s happening in the county, you have to have the numbers. This year we have counseled 200 individuals on Medicare and drug programs, said Cary.
For years, Colonie has been walking seniors and caregivers through the complicated process of getting proper and adequate health care and drug coverage under Medicare and its new prescription drug plan. Despite counseling hundreds every year and sponsoring informational sessions at area nursing homes and senior centers, many still have a tough time cutting through the confusion and red tape.
`There is still a lot of it out there. People still don’t understand the often-complicated layers of prescription plans. Even caregivers who are experienced in helping their parents find it difficult to manage (prescription) plans,` said Cary.
Although it’s not a large sum, the grant money will help to continue getting the word out through counseling.
Golden Lane Associates chose Colonie and Bethlehem’s senior resource departments because they have extended such services to senior for years, said Rose Golden, association president.
Golden Lane will review Bethlehem’s and Colonie’s records and in turn will share that information with the county. The county will then share those numbers with state agencies that will vie for additional federal funding, said Golden.
`The state will get a better picture of what is happening in Albany County. Albany has been doing much more than what has been recorded. If they (state and federal agencies) don’t see the numbers, then funding gets questioned,` Golden said.
Counseling will continue to review existing drug coverage, compare Medicare drug plans and help seniors choose and enroll in a plan. The sessions also discuss financial assistance for drug coverage and supplementing Medicare with state coverage plans.
`These services have always been available to our seniors. However, this is the first time we have received a grant to help fund them. The town of Colonie is known for great services and this grant will allow us to continue to provide exceptional services to the town’s senior population,` said Supervisor Mary Brizzell in a written statement.
Open enrollment for Medicare begins this fall. To receive counseling on choosing, or changing a coverage and prescription drug plan call the Senior Resources Department at 459-5051 or visit