Bellevue Woman’s Hospital has agreed to give up its operating license and allow Ellis Hospital to take it over, which will essentially keep Bellevue’s doors open for the foreseeable future.
On Nov. 1, Bellevue Woman’s Hospital will become Ellis Hospital.
Bellevue Chief Executive Officer Anne Saile said she views the decision as a victory for the hospital.
I think this is a great outcome for Bellevue, she said. `We framed the debate of women’s health issues and how important they are, and we had a great victory in making our voices heard. I’m looking forward to a good outcome for Bellevue.`
Ellis Chief Executive Officer James Connolly said he wants to make it a smooth transition for Bellevue’s patients and staff.
`Our goal from a patient perspective is to make the change transparent. Someone who came into Bellevue six months ago will see the same people, receive the same services and feel the same commitment to their needs on Nov. 1. They won’t see any difference,` Connolly said.
Connolly said he doesn’t anticipate any loss of jobs when Ellis takes over in November, but at least one important figure will go. Saile said it is time for her to move on.
`My work at Bellevue is done,` Saile said. `It was a for-profit when I came, I turned it into a not-for-profit and we have received national awards and financially made a remarkable turnaround. I am very proud of the work I’ve done here, and I’m very proud of this hospital.`
Saile said she plans to work on the national level and is working on a book about women’s health issues.
`I’ve had many opportunities, and it’s time for me to choose one,` she said.
`I’m proud of everything I have achieved, and I’m confident for the future.`
The Berger Commission also known as the Commission on Health Care in the 21st Century recommended that Bellevue give up its operating license in 2008 and its recommendations became law on Jan. 1.
The Commission cited the hospital’s increasing debt as a reason for its closure — a fact that Bellevue supporters and administrators worked hard to prove false.
Bellevue’s long-term future is still uncertain. Connolly has asked the Department of Health to conduct a feasibility study as to the impact three hospital campuses would have versus one or two.
The Berger Commission, which reviewed health-care institutions across New York, has also mandated that St. Clare’s Hospital merge with Ellis.
Connolly said the outcome of that study would determine how long Ellis would be operating on Bellevue’s campus.
Connolly said the staff at Ellis feels appreciative that something has been decided. He said his staff is looking forward to working with their colleagues at Bellevue.
Saile said the staff at Bellevue, who will soon become Ellis employees, are a bit stressed with the change.
`Change is stressful and does prompt questions, but they are happy that the hospital has been saved and our mission is achieved,` Saile said. `They are now just waiting to hear from Ellis as to what the future looks like for them.`
Since the Berger Commission’s recommendations became public, Bellevue supporters rallied the community and political leaders asking that Bellevue be exempted from the recommendations.
The state Senate passed a bill exempting Bellevue from the Berger law, but the Assembly bill never made it past the Health Committee.
Saile said she was disappointed that Bellevue administrators never received a personal meeting with Gov. Eliot Spitzer.
`For women’s sake, I feel we should have at least been given a meeting with him so he could have heard first had about our issues,` she said. `We deal with 100,000 women a year. These women want to know that full attention has been paid to this issue.`
Saile is the most pleased that Bellevue’s struggle has allowed for a discussion about the importance of woman’s health issues.
`Many people view this as a real victory for women,` Saile said. `In the last few months, we’ve spoken as much about women’s issues was we did in 1920 when we won the right to vote.`