The Malta Republican Committee has endorsed incumbent Donna Gizzi and challenger Tara Thomas as the Republican candidates for the two town council seats up for grabs this fall. Incumbent Cliff Lange, who has served on the town board since 1984, did not receive an endorsement. The votes were close. Thomas earned 1,013 votes; Gizzi earned 974 votes, and Lange 965.
It wasn’t who was qualified, said Lange of the committee voting process. `It was a personality thing.`
He added that the Republican Committee members were representing themselves in this vote rather than the Republicans of Malta. Lange said he would be taking some time to review the options available to him and decide within the next few weeks about his future in Malta politics.
The candidates, all Republican Committee members, interviewed with the entire Republican Committee on Sunday, April 22, prior to the vote. Malta Republican Committee chairman Bill Smith said the voting process differed from past years in that the committee agreed to follow Saratoga County’s suggestion of using a weighted voting system.
`The county has been after us for years to use it,` said Smith.
He said the weighted vote is calculated by the Saratoga County Board of Elections and is based on the most recent gubernatorial election. Each district is then given a number as it applies to the town, he said. The town of Malta is broken up into 12 districts, with two committee people assigned to each district. Each committee person gets one half of the number of votes assigned to the district he or she is elected to represent. Smith said the old system allowed one vote for each committee person.
`If that’s what the county wants, I have no problem with it,` said Lange of the voting changes. `It is something we have to get used to.`
Thomas declined to comment on the changes, but Gizzi expressed her concern with one aspect of the process.
`I am disappointed that a committee person is able to abstain from voting a second vote,` she said. Gizzi said that because two seats are available, committee members had the opportunity to vote for two of the three candidates. Some committee members voted only for one candidate, choosing to abstain in voting for either of the other two, she said.
`They’re basically saying they don’t care who gets it,` said Gizzi. `They are not taking full responsibility to vote for two people. I am elected to a district. I’m representing the people of that district. The people in my district would be really unhappy with me if I only voted for one candidate.`
Gizzi has served as councilwoman for the past two years, first being appointed to and then being elected to the seat that Supervisor Paul Sausville had previously held. She currently chairs the town’s economic development committee and she recently reactivated the Americans with Disabilities Act committee.
In the past year, Gizzi successfully lobbied the town to build a trail along Ruhle Road. The project was completed this past fall.
`It is so much safer,` said Gizzi. `People are using it regularly. I get a lot of compliments about the trail.`
Thomas will be familiar to many residents as she begins the process of campaigning. A lifelong Malta resident and Republican, Thomas is the daughter of Malta Town Clerk Flo Sickels, who is also seeking reelection. Excited about the prospect of continuing the town’s work of maintaining the `special quality of life found in Malta,` Thomas said she wants to build on the foundation the town government has already laid.
`I can make a difference,` said Thomas of her desire to be elected to the Malta Town Board. `I will bring an independent voice. My presence within the town family will send a positive message.`
Thomas said she has several issues that are very important to her. Acknowledging the strong volunteer network that makes up Malta’s various committees and programs, Thomas said she would like to review the volunteer programs and move forward.
`I’d like to promote volunteerism and citizen participation,` she said. Thomas noted that she would also like to join the existing board in its efforts to assist the local emergency services agencies within the town. Thomas believes that the town should be more active in recruiting new members for the three agencies within town.
Thomas said that she will be meeting with various homeowners associations, going door-to-door, and engaging in e-mail conversations to meet and discuss issues with the citizens of Malta. She said if elected as councilwoman, those things would continue as a means to provide communication with residents.
In addition to endorsing town council candidates, the Republican Committee also endorsed a number of other candidates.
Current Highway Superintendent Tom Adriance was given the endorsement over his challenger Roger Crandall. The remaining candidates were unopposed and given the endorsement of the Republican Committee for their respective positions: Supervisor Paul Sausville, Town Clerk Flo Sickels, Receiver of Taxes Sylvia Sievers and Town Justice James Nichols.
There has been no announcement from the Malta Democratic Committee regarding endorsement of candidates to oppose the Republican slate of candidates. “