Members of the Niskayuna Town Board discussed their options for the Ingersoll property at its meeting Tuesday, Feb. 27.
Among the options were a moratorium, a positive or negative declaration under the State Environmental Quality Review Act.
A negative declaration would push the project forward a positive one would halt it for further study by requiring the developer to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.
A moratorium could still be considered regardless of a decision under SEQR.
The board is expected to vote on either positive or negative declaration at its meeting Tuesday, March 13. Superintendent Luke Smith said he will put together a resolution for a negative declaration and board member Liz Kasper said she intends to put together a resolution for a positive declaration.
The Town Board has been listening to comments and concerns from residents for months and all agree that some decision needs to be made for the developer and for the residents.
We need to get an answer for the developer, yes, but we need to get an answer for everyone, either with the study or without we need to move forward, board member Diane O’Donnell said.