Guilderland’s top law enforcement official, Police Chief James Murley, has been placed on administrative leave for almost two weeks and still no details are being released by town officials.
Murley has been on leave since Thursday, Feb. 8, with full pay and benefits, said Supervisor Kenneth Runion. Murley’s annual salary is $96,849.
Runion called the matter a personnel issue and said he could not discuss the details surrounding Murley’s leave.
Runion could also not comment on the length of Murley’s leave.
`There’s a process, and we follow that,` said Runion, adding that he could not comment on the exact nature of the process because it would be too revealing of the nature of the suspension.
Deputy Chief of Police Carol Lawlor has been in charge of the department since Murley’s leave became effective.
Lawlor also said she could not comment about why Murley was placed on leave.
Hired as one of the town’s original officers in 1972, Murley was appointed police chief in February 1973.
Some Guilderland town residents said they have concerns about being kept in the dark regarding the chief’s leave.
`If he’s getting his full pay, we’d like to know why,` said Donna Miglucci, of Guilderland.
Another town resident, who asked not to be named, said he would like to see an open dialogue between town officials and residents discussing the nature of the administrative leave.
`We have a right to know as taxpayers if we pay his salary,` he said.
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests have been made to the town, including requests for any documents needed to place Murley on an administrative leave. There has been no response as of yet.“