Define a Patriot? Yes I still have a hard copy of Webster’s 3rd New International dictionary, copyright 1961. The book is almost 60 years old defines Patriot as ‘one who loves their country and zealously support its authority and interest.’ Count me as one of the hundred of millions who subscribe to that definition.
Once I asked a person what a Patriot was and they said “something relative to the military.” Patriot’s Day ‘is observed as a legal holiday (April 19th) in Maine and Massachusetts in commemoration of the battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775. Being a Patriot has a military touch but also it is a person who appreciates being an American. There is so much to be proud of as we think back over 250 years of growing pains and celebrations for this young country. Patriotism is around us and remembering our history, events, failures and celebrations are in all our hearts and minds. I have those feelings and hope to share future articles with this new title ‘A Patriot Remembers’ as I turn the chapter from Veterans Next Door.
I have spent over 25% of my life between volunteering for Veterans and living in the 1960’s where Patriotism hits its lowest point. Yet Patriotism survived. Having military Veterans as relatives and myself a Patriot, I enjoy moving through the “remembering and reminiscing times.” I believe in Winston Churchill who said “A nation that forgets its history has no future.” History is valuable but we move forward and I never say we can not go back to the ‘ole times.’
The new column will cover a host of topics from our life style, our entertainment life, the old and new sports, hand held computers, tv, radio, camera and instant news that is old in 60 seconds. It will bring back the great days gone by and move forward to appreciate the present and hope we learn for the future.
Some of the famous people, events and accomplishments in our history will be presented for you to reminisce. The stories will make you feel good, you can converse with others and maybe they may just educate you. Think about the cars of 60 years ago compared to cars run by computers today. We had a landing on the moon and now we hear of going to Mars and taking recreational flights into space. All of this will introduce the past to the present and hope for the future. I never knew either of my grandfathers and yet I talk to my grandchildren about what it may be like in 50 years. I tell any person under 50 years old that their life expectancy is now 90 years old and realize they will witness the last Veteran of WW II, Korean War and Vietnam War. The soldiers of today will have their time and sincere recognition as they approach their 80’s and 90’s.
I will not abandon stories about what I have experienced in 12 years of Veteran work nor will I forget the men and women I’ve met along the way. Thank You for all you’ve done for this country and for my ventures into your lifetime and mine own. The driving force of a person’s motivation is still a challenging mystery. I need to believe living in this country, being a proud patriot, a good citizen and hoping for the best for all will always prevail. Thank you as I leave Patriot Flight Inc and turn a chapter for the ages.