As the seasons change we have a tendency to recall the season just ending and think of the next one. We have a special luxury living in New York with four seasons. As we recall past seasons, we find ourselves enjoying and recalling our experiences. The ‘too hot” summers, rainy springs, cold winters or too much snow, maybe not enough snow are the phases we hear when we use the ‘Wayback Machine – Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon Show’.
As the time passes, we recall the beach days, a nice concert, a special baseball game, a well deserved vacation or just a relaxing evening on the porch. Recently I heard songs on the radio that bring back years in a flash – ‘Don’t Fall in Love with a Dreamer by Kenny Rogers’ and ‘Dream by the Everly Brothers.’ A view of the sports page brings me back to a potential Yankee –Dodger World Series. Remember when the World Series were only played in the day time. A visit to the Rivers Casino Sports Book reminds me that the NFL is around the corner. In my youth I liked the AFL (American Football League) some ten years before the merger. The Boston Patriots, New York Titans, Houston Oilers, Dallas Texans are teams long forgotten. In 1958 and 1959 a great player named Keith Lincoln played for the San Diego Chargers. I was reminded through an August newspaper article on his passing away.
Listing to the oldies radio channel, I heard them speak of the singers and their age. Many of songs played were by singers today in their 70’s. Being around when SPAC (Saratoga) was first built, great performers of Neil Diamond, Barry Manilow, John Denver and Simon & Garfunkel packed the house. A motorcycle ride to SPAC and see the Hollies was such a great performance that I recall that beautiful summer evening ride.
I watched the movie ‘Darkest Hour’ on DVD recently. The world conflict was reduced to one of internal politics and the struggles of a nation. ‘Never surrender’ emerges as a deep hearted saying from Winston Churchill as he confronted pressure head on. I will always feel that Churchill saved the world. If England fell during WW II, the war would not have been fought to accomplish other countries but to conquer other hemispheres.
As my youth of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s unravel in my mind, I like to accentuate the positive. I am not naive and realize that the same period had its historical moments that I try, but are not always able, to put on the back burner. I will recall the good, the best, the bad and ugly. I seen recently a book in my personal library written by Roy Campanella entitled ‘It’s Good to be Alive.’ If he had that mindset after is misfortune, then we should look backward and forward with such spirit.
As you read and relax, there is so much to be thankful for in this country. Through our ups and downs, triumphs and tragedy, we move forward. As we do, we will be reminded and appreciate ‘where we came from.’ So just sit back, relax and reminisce. You will find this column will spur conversations, nice memories, some controversies and in the end make you think and comfort you.