The iconic Tool’s Restaurant in Delmar was the perfect place for Janet Tool to cut her teeth in public service.
“I liked serving my father’s good food and communicating with people,” said the 71-year-old.
That same heart has helped her serve more than just meals. It eventually led her into volunteer work with Prison Fellowship which in turn opened up a Department of Corrections job that injected opportunities for the incarcerated.
Then came a decision: to retire or not. It was a false dichotomy. Rendering her resignation papers didn’t mean she wouldn’t be able to unlock the bars of self-imprisonment.
“I’m starting a program called ‘Steadfast & Secure’ which will help married women who want to be free from false identities and the wrong impression of God,” she said.
Already, Janet’s calendar is getting full and she hasn’t even been retired for more than a few months.
Her advice to pre-retirees and those who have left the workforce: “Know yourself, use your gifts and talents because everyone has a purpose and you need to find it.”
That may sound like bullet points from a valedictorian’s speech and yet it is even more true for seniors who have been given the diploma of experience and time.
Robert J. LaCosta’s daily inspirations are found at where his books and music are also available. To suggest a senior for this column, contact him at [email protected] or (518) 435-1250.