Special lunch
Come join us for a special lunch, provided by Mazzone Hospitality’s PRIME at Beltrone, on Monday, Jan. 9, at the Beltrone Living Center at noon. We will be serving Swedish meatballs over egg noodles, glazed carrots, and vanilla mousse topped with mixed berries, with entertainment by Peter Yakel.*
Umbrella luncheon
Umbrella of Colonie will host a luncheon for Umbrella members and handymen on Tuesday, Jan. 17, at noon in the Lakeview Dining Room. The complimentary lunch will include pot roast, vegetables, roasted potatoes and cinnamon applesauce for dessert. For more information or to RSVP, please call 459-2857, ext. 303.
Special dinner
Come and join us for a special dinner, provided by Mazzone Hospitality’s PRIME at Beltrone, on Monday, Jan. 23, at the Beltrone Living Center at 5 p.m. We will be serving lemon pepper cod, rice pilaf and lemon pie, with entertainment by Cole Broderick.*
Umbrella of Colonie
The services are better than ever under Umbrella. Join and receive access to nearly 100 free and discounted programs and services to help you maintain your home, all for less than $1 per day. Plus, all Umbrella members who qualify for HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) will be considered to receive funds from the 12th annual Warmth of Wine, free banking with CAP COM, a fitness membership and more. Give us a call at 459-2857, ext. 311.
Operation Valentine
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and this year we will once again write and send cards to our service men and women in the armed forces. Join us on Thursday, Jan. 5, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Beltrone Living Center in the Lakeview Room to bring in the New Year with friendly faces, refreshments, music and crafting. For more information about this event, please call 459-2857, ext. 308.
Tool Box
The Tool Box offers volunteer opportunities. The Tool Box is open from 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays but have plenty of other positions open throughout the week. If you have any questions about our open volunteer positions, give us a call at 459-2857, ext. 308 or email [email protected].
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Call 459-2857 ext. 303 to RSVP for any of the above, unless otherwise noted.
*Senior Dining, an Albany County Congregate Meal Program, is funded in part by the Albany County Dept. for Aging, the NYS Office for Aging, US Administration on Aging, the Town of Colonie & participant contributions. All reservations must be made by noon the previous business day. Please call 459-2857, ext. 303 to reserve your seat.