Special lunch
Come join us for a special lunch, provided by Mazzone Hospitality’s PRIME Life, on Monday, Feb. 1, at the Beltrone Living Center at noon. We will be serving cider braised pork with entertainment by Holly Beltrane.*
Defensive driving class
Save on your auto insurance and mark your calendar for Saturday, Feb. 27. The Driver Fitness Center offers a defensive driving class from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for $25. The class is open to drivers of any age. For more information and to RSVP, call 459-2857, ext. 303.
Wellness luncheon
The Healthy Aging program will provide a wellness luncheon on Tuesday, Feb. 16, beginning at noon at the Rudy A. Ciccotti Family Recreation Center. A presentation educating members on health and wellness will be given, along with a healthy lunch that is to be determined. For more information or to register for this lunch, please call 4559-2857 ext. 303.
Special dinner
Come and join us for a special dinner, provided by Mazzone Hospitality’s PRIME Life, on Monday, Feb. 15, at the Beltrone Living Center at 5 p.m. We will be serving lemon pepper cod loin with entertainment by Cole Broderick.*
11th Annual Warmth of Wine
On Feb. 25, CSSC and community sponsors will gather at the Century House in Latham from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. to raise money to help keep seniors warm during the winter months. The event will include delicious wine tasting, fantastic silent and live auctions and a mystery wine pull, which attendees have the opportunity to win a $150 bottle of wine. To make reservations or for more information, call Meghan Hauger at 459-2857, ext. 327.
Tool Box
The Umbrella of Colonie Tool Box, a volunteer handyman based tool resale shop, is open and ready for business. The proceeds from the store go directly back to the Umbrella of Colonie home-maintenance program and its members. The Tool Box is actively seeking volunteers to help sort, clean, price and sell the tools and hardware that we have pouring onto our shelves. The Tool Box is open Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, contact the Tool Box at 608-4758 or email [email protected].
Emergency preparedness
RSVP will host the American Red Cross at the Beltrone Living Center on Feb. 18 from noon to 2 p.m. to give a presentation on emergency preparedness and provide tips on how to remain safe and calm in crisis situations. A complimentary lunch will be included. Please reserve your seat with Sue Napierski by Feb. 15 at 459-2857, ext. 308.
Call 459-2857 ext. 303 to RSVP for any of the above.
*Senior Dining, an Albany County Congregate Meal Program, is funded in part by the Albany County Dept. for Aging, the NYS Office for Aging, US Administration on Aging, the Town of Colonie & participant contributions.