Toys play a pivotal role in the lives of young children. While fun is always a consideration when buying toys for kids, toys can do more than entertain. The National Association for the Education of Young Children notes that toys for young children should match their stages of development and their emerging abilities. When those matches are made, children’s imagination and coordination will develop, all while they’re having fun.
Safety is another factor, but sometimes safety is not always foremost on the minds of toy shoppers. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission notes that more than 250,000 toy-related injuries were treated in American hospital emergency rooms in a recent year. Thankfully, such injuries are almost always avoidable, especially when shoppers follow a handful of safety strategies when buying toys for young children.
Avoid toys with lots of pieces. Toddlers and small children tend to put things in their mouths, increasing their risk of choking as a result. When buying toys for toddlers or small children, avoid toys with small parts that can be choking hazards.
Pay attention to age recommendations on packaging. Age guidelines on toy packages are designed to ensure that kids play with toys suited for their age and abilities. Children are more likely to enjoy playing with toys designed for kids their age, and these toys are less likely than age-inappropriate toys to put safety in jeopardy.
Recognize even stuffed animals can present safety hazards. Stuffed animals may not appear to pose as safety risks, but poorly made stuffed animals may have small parts that can easily come off. Poorly made stuffed animals may prove no match for the prying hands of curious youngsters, so make sure any small parts on stuffed animals, such as eyes and buttons, are securely fastened before making any purchases.
Teach kids how to use toys. When giving children advanced toys, take the time to show the youngsters how to use them. Such demonstrations can clear up any confusion about the toys, reducing risk for injury as a result.