The warm weather has finally arrived, and the kids are outside more after school. This a great thing, both mentally and physically, but it can also lead to a “school slump.” The final report card period can be a tough time for students to remain focused. With a little help and encouragement, you can help your child finish the year off strong. The following are a few tips to try.
Make a plan
Creating a plan and using a calendar to map out the big assignments and tests can help students stay organized and motivated. Sit down with your child and your calendars and add all the large tests, projects and events coming up. If don’t already have a calendar system in the house, now is a great time to create one. Once you have put these items on the calendar, break down the steps needed to succeed on each larger task. Is there a final project? If so, what are the smaller pieces to get this project done? Breaking it down will make the larger tasks seem more manageable.
If you’re using a paper calendar, keep a pen handy so your child can check off what they’ve finished. If using an electronic calendar, check in with your child and encourage them to check off what they’ve completed there. This will provide a sense of accomplishment and help your child track their progress over time. It can also serve as a visual reminder of how much time is left until the end of the school year, helping them stay focused and motivated.
Know where your
child stands
Reviewing your child’s past report cards, exams, and assignments can provide valuable insight into their academic progress and areas that may need improvement. It’s also a good idea to check in with your child’s teacher or counselor to get their perspective on your child’s academic standing and to receive input on areas that may need more focus. If you want to gain a more in-depth look at where your child stands academically and to ensure they’re on track, Sylvan Learning offers an Insight Assessment.
Ask ‘What If?’
Encourage your child to understand the long-term effects of procrastinating and slacking. Ask questions like, “How do you think your grade will be affected if you don’t complete this assignment?” or “What will happen if you don’t prepare for your next exam or final?” You can help your child connect their current actions to their future outcomes.
Stick to your routine
Maintaining a consistent routine can be very beneficial for children, especially during the final report card period when it’s important to stay focused and engaged. Parents can help their children stay in the school mindset by maintaining their normal routine, including consistent bedtimes and wake-up calls.
Parents can also help their children stay on track by minimizing distractions and creating a quiet and focused environment for studying and completing assignments. This may mean limiting screen time or setting aside designated study time each day.
Get outside
Yes, we said earlier being outside may be a distraction, but using outdoor time wisely can have huge benefits. Being outside can be a time to learn. Incorporate nature and the things around you with the material they’re trying to master in school. Be active with your child! Exercise can help reduce stress and improve focus.
Stay positive
Help your child stay positive and motivated by reminding them of their strengths and abilities. Encourage them to focus on what they have accomplished rather than what they have left to do.
Celebrate successes
By celebrating their successes along the way, you can help your child build confidence, self-esteem, and a positive attitude toward learning. This can create a cycle of success and motivation that can help children continue to succeed academically and beyond.
Vanessa Banks is Co-Founder of Kernel Creative Media and the marketing strategist for Sylvan Learning of Clifton Park and Albany. For more information, visit