#WorkParentingBalance #Parenting #Careers #ParentPages #CapitalDistrictParentPages
Juggling a career and motherhood is difficult for any woman, but the transition to wearing two hats can prove an especially difficult adjustment for new mothers. The following are a handful of tips for new mothers about to embark on the challenging task of juggling a career and a growing family.
Carefully consider career decisions
Some new mothers respond to motherhood by making changes to their careers. While adjustments will almost certainly need to be made, it’s important that women avoid knee-jerk reactions. Some women feel guilty about not spending enough time with their children and allow that guilt to govern their decisions about their careers. But women who don’t give ample consideration to such decisions may grow to regret them when they find they miss their old jobs and the responsibilities and sense of purpose that comes with those jobs. When making career decisions, make a list of the pros and cons and the motives behind each decision you might make. The more thoughtfully you approach each decision, the happier you’re likely to be with that decision you make.
Avoid going overboard at the office
Working mothers are often driven to show their employers that new motherhood will not affect their on-the-job performance. In their haste to prove motherhood won’t prove a distraction, new mothers may take on more they can chew. Recognize that being a working mother does require an adjustment period, especially in the immediate weeks and months after maternity leave has ended and your body has yet to adjust to its new schedule. Accept help when it’s offered and recognize that good employers understand the adjustments you will need to make in the immediate aftermath of a pregnancy.
Look for ways to reduce your workload at home
of making a successful transition from working professional to working mother is recognizing that adjustments need to be made at home as well. Look for ways to reduce your workload at home, whether that’s sharing cooking duties or other chores around the house that were once your responsibility alone.